I was at Tesco, feeling frustrated amongst panic buyers and nearly bare shelf’s trying to find pull-ups for my 2 year old boy when I found out I was a finalist. This one bit of positive news meant a lot to me in that moment and truly put a couple of things into perspective for me.
Firstly, that whatever I was doing, I was doing it right because somebody, somewhere had nominated me for being their inspiration and the very fact I was at the shops just to try to get my son what he needed made me a good mother. You tend to forget all the incredible things you’ve done or the people you have or the places you’ve seen because of one irritation. Secondly, I remembered how I was surrounded by so many good people and I suddenly realised I didn’t need to feel frustrated because I knew they had my back just as much as I have had theirs. After this I had family, friends and even friends of friends leaving me pull-ups at my door to the extent I then had around 6 packs.
I have been so excited for the Judges meet-and-greet and the awards ceremony. I feel like this is an opportunity to meet so many amazing people and possibly make new friends too. Its a shame that in the current situation were all in that all events need to be cancelled or in this case postponed, yet it is absolutely necessary. I would like to think that when the world is back on its feet and our events are all rescheduled that we will all appreciate the moment so much more. To be surrounded by so many good and positive people, after a world experiencing isolation, illness and grief, can really show us that we can choose how to be and how to live. Whether we win individually or not, just to have the feelings return of being inspired, laughter, dreams coming true, friendships and support, that’s what this is absolutely all about.
If I had the honour of winning the award for my category, I hope to use it as a catalyst for reaching out to people who need personal psychological support. During this pandemic I have started to work on the launch of my own business, I have many ideas that I feel would reach out to further populations. I have utilised my time with business coaching sessions, writing an article for an American magazine and making plans for my business ideas. So to win, would provide me with a platform to build my foundations from.
I’m so excited to meet so many inspirational people and I look forward to applauding the efforts of us all.